Marc One @ Fluxwithit

Fluxwithit is an online platform led by music producer, sound designer and product specialist Ken ‘Flux’ Pierce. Ken posts tutorials and overviews of different products as well as presentations of new and alternative ways to use these products. This review is dedicated to our Monitoring and Recording Controller SPL Marc One. You’ll find the complete […]
Marc One in Recording Magazin

In the current edition (3/21) of German Recording Magazine you can find a review about the SPL Marc One. You can read the complete review in the magazine – here we provide a short summary. First impression: “Completely in matte black, the compact and robust steel housing makes quite an impression. The target group is […]
Marc One @ Amazona

“With the SPL Marc One, the German manufacturer introduces a monitor and recording controller of the highest audio standard to their portfolio. The product convinces with an excellent manufacturing, best hardware components, visual appeal and a converter concept that gets the maximum out of the signal flow with 32 bit at 768 kHz.” “Monitor and […]
Marc One @ Mix Online

“If you always thought SPL products were out of your price range, think again. The vaunted German manufacturer recently released a new range of affordable headphone amps and monitor controllers called Series One.” At Mix Online (as well as in the printed edition – Mix Magazine) you can find a great review about our Monitoring […]
Marc One @ delamar

At the online platform delamar you can find a review about our brand new Monitoring And Recording Controller SPL Marc One. Sven Radig has tested the device and is impressed: “You can feel the solid construction as soon as you unbox the device. Metal on all sides, also the controls and switches make a robust […]
Marc One & Control One in Sound & Recording

In the current edition (20/06) of German Sound & Recording magazine, you can find a review of the SPL Control One and the SPL Marc One. Dr. Andreas Hau has put both devices through the acid test – here we provive you with an English summary: First impression: “They look very chic! In their satin […]
SPL X-mas Give-Away 2020

There will be a special SPL giveaway this X-mas. Among all SPL newsletter subscribers we will raffle a great SPL device. You haven’t subscribed to the SPL Newsletter yet? Well, it’s about time to do it: On December 18, 2020 we will raffle off a brand new SPL Marc One among all SPL newsletter […]
Control One & Marc One @ Bonedo

We are very happy about the great interest of the trade press in our Series One. Today we want to shine a light on a review at Felix Klostermann has extensively tested our Control One and Marc One. Here is a German summary. “Plug it in, let’s go – the analog operation of Control […]
Win an SPL Marc One or Phonitor One d

German online platform raffles a brand-new SPL Phonitor One d and a Marc One as part of their reader survey. What you have to do for it? If you take part in the reader survey until December 12, 2020, you will automatically join the raffle. All further information and the conditions of participation […]
Marc One @ MoProAudio

When Mo Volans from MoProAudio heard about the new SPL Series One, he spared neither trouble nor expense to pay us a visit. He left the company with one of our prototypes of the SPL Marc One to do an amazing video review on his Youtube channel. First impression of Marc One: “It is a […]