North American Store – Refurb Sale!

Due to rearrangements in our distribution network, we have remaining stock of refurbished products that is being sold off via the SPL North America Store. There are some real highlights among these drastically reduced products! Make sure to check them out before they are gone. Find all products at SPL’s North American Store:

Crimson 3 @ Gaming Audio Guide

Gaming Audio Guide is taking a look at modern electronics from the perspective of a competitive gamer and audiophile. After the online platform has already published a video about our headphone amplifier SPL Phonitor x last year, there is now a new video review about our audio interface & monitor controller SPL Crimson 3. You […]

SPL Crimson 3 at

At you will find a review about our Audio Interface SPL Crimson 3. “If you want to record music, do podcasts or add sound to videos, you need a whole lot of equipment. With Crimson 3, SPL provides a real recording multifunctional tool, which features lots of options and is pretty easy to handle.” […]

Crimson 3 at musicradar

“There’s no doubt that Crimson 3 is a thoroughly capable and high-quality sounding audio interface, with some really nicely thought-through additions.” At musicradar you will find a review about our Crimson 3 Audio Interface. Jono Buchanan of Future Music magazine (UK) tested and examined the device. “SPL has a reputation as a serious audio developer […]

Crimson 3 in EAR IN

“The SPL Crimson 3 is the ‘swiss army knife’ for smaller productions. The price-performance ratio is sensational, considering that this is high-quality studio technology.” You will find a review about our Crimson 3 Audio Interface in the current edition (2/18) of headphone magazine EAR IN. “If you want to record music, do podcasts or add […]

Crimson 3 in Tools4music

You will find a review about our Crimson 3 in the current edition (1/18) of tools4music magazine. “Available since 2014, the Crimson offers a symbiosis of audio interface, monitor controller and headphone amplifier in a handy desk housing. Basically all you need when it comes to modern DAW based recording. Crimson 3 now continues this […]

Win a ‘Mobile Recording Package’ featuring an SPL Crimson 3!

What else do you really need in life to be happy other than a microphone and a skateboard? Maybe an SPL Crimson 3? 😉 At Sonicscoop you now got the possibilty – matching the video ‘Foundation’ by Stephano Petroccca – to win a ‘Mobile Recording Package’! Included in the ‘Mobile Recording Package’ 5-piece bundle are: […]

Crimson 3 at Recording Magazin

“With the Crimson … SPL developed a device, which practically meets all the needs of a recording studio within one single unit. Constantly updating and revising their products, SPL launched the 3rd version of the Crimson Monitor Controller this year and we have put the unit to the acid test.” In the current edition (December/January […]

Win a Crimson 3!

Never-ending winning 😉 Two weeks ago we raffled off a Crimson 3 at SAE Alumni Convention. This time gives you the possibility to win a Crimson 3! All you have to do is join the reader survey up until the 6th of December: We are sorry but you can only participate if […]

Crimson 3 in Keys

In der aktuellen Ausgabe (10/17) des Magazins Keys findet ihr einen Testbericht zu unserem brandneuen Crimson 3: „Der SPL Crimson … ist das Herzstück in vielen Projekt- und Home-Recording-Studios. … Insbesondere die neue Version 3, mit der dank Phonitor-Matrix jetzt auch das Mischen über Kopfhörer wirklich Freude macht, bringt alle Schalt- und Anschlussmöglichkeiten mit, die […]