Mastering Cro – Duo Mastering Masterclass

You want to experience Duo Mastering live?Then come to beatcon in Berlin in October. There Duo Mastering will be mastering the single “Blessed” by CRO with SPL gear and plugins in a masterclass and will reveal valuable techniques, tips and tricks for optimizing the sound of a song. Find more information at: Play Video
Video – Justin Gray Music

Justin Gray is music composer & producer at Synthesis Sound, mastering engineer at Immersive Mastering and professor of music at the Humber College Lakeshore Campus in Toronto, Canada. On top of his stereo masterings, Justin is working in Dolby Atmos and Sony 360 – and he is a pretty heavy SPL user. Have fun watching […]
Duo Mastering – Studiosofa Podcast

Make sure to check out the Studiosofa podcast with Duo Mastering! You want to experience Duo Mastering live? Then come to beatcon in Berlin or Studioszene in Hamburg (both in October 2024). There Duo Mastering will be mastering the single “Blessed” by CRO with SPL gear and plugins in a masterclass and will reveal valuable […]
Video – Mastering Academy meets SPL

Check out this video from back in September of this year, when the Mastering Academy hosted an online event showcasing the centerpieces of the SPL Mastering series. Mastering Academy’s CEO, Friedemann Tischmeyer (Alan Parsons, Steely Dan) and Mastering Coach, Farzad “Farzi” Rahnavard (Cro, Shindy, Mike Singer, Shirin David), mastered a song from scratch using a […]
SPL Mastering Universe – Overview Videos

Have you already seen these three new overview videos for our mastering gear? These videos give an overview of the respective product: DMC, MC16 and Hermes. In addition to the basic functionality, tips and examples of application and integration are also shown. Have fun watching! Play Video Play Video Play Video For more information about the […]
SPL equips mastering rooms of the Westdeutscher Rundfunk with audio technology for highest demands.

Within the scope of this project, three utility rooms ought to be converted into high-quality and flexible sound processing and mastering rooms. The analog and digital processing of analog and digital sources, by different employees, demands a special requirement from these rooms and the equipment. Highest audio quality and intuitive workflow are often contrary to […]
DMC & MC16 at

Michael Romanowski – Mastering legend and owner of Coast Mastering – is a heavy SPL user and proponent of the SPL 120V-Technology. Last December, he took the time to write a great article about our DMC Mastering Console and MC16 Mastering Monitor Controller for Michael was heavily involved in the development of these units. […]
All Black Edition

All devices of the mastering series are now available in a third color combination – All Black. From a technical point of view these units are 100% identical with the regular color combinations red and black/silver. With the All Black edition, only the silver centerpiece is replaced by a black one. Devices with VU meters […]

It’s about time to reveal the secret behind our three new SPL devices! There will be a worthy successors to our classic Passeq, which will be specialized in Mastering – the PASSEQ Mastering Equalizer. Our legendary Mastering Console DMC also enters the second round. The new DMC was developed from scratch and we managed to […]