Win a Phonitor mini

On you have the chance to win an SPL Phonitor mini All you have to do is subscribe to the German newsletter until 11/30/2018 and you are already taking part in the raffle. Find further information as well as the terms and conditions of participation (exclusively in German) at Good luck! The […]
Phonitor mini @ mobilefidelity

Online magazine mobilefidelity published a review about the SPL Phonitor mini. Design and build quality: “Like with all other SPL devices, the choice of components and build quality of the Phonitor mini is unimpeachable. Thanks to its brushed aluminum front panel it appears very elegant and valuable, which should enthuse even demanding music listeners.” “Speaking […]
SPL Newsletter

Good News: SPL newsletter is coming soon! All the news about SPL gear, events and product novelties, tutorials, contests and studio stories. Once a month all of this could arrive at your mail inbox – so don’t forget to subscribe! Sounds good? Well, it’s SPL – of course it does 😉 Even better: On the […]
SPL Phonitor Matrix explained – Video

We’re happy to present a brandnew video focussing on the “Phonitor Matrix”. The video explains the Phonitor Matrix and how it actually works. Parameters Crossfeed, Angle and Center will be explained with the help of sound examples and graphic visualizations. So if you always wanted to know what the Phonitor Matrix is all about and […]
Phonitor mini in stereoplay

“Refreshingly natural-sounding amp with a lush musical touch and lots of optimization possibilities.” Our Phonitor mini was put to the test in the 01/2015 issue of German stereoplay magazine — almost exactly one year ago. Considering the increasing demand for our headphone amps with Phonitor matrix and that this review is often taken as reference, […]
SPL at CanJam 2015

The 1400 visitors to this year’s CanJam Europe set a new record. And we were obviously part of it. This year, we took with us to Essen, Germany, our headphone amps Phonitor 2 (together with the new Expansion Rack), and Phonitor mini, as well as our USB Audio Interfaces and Monitor Controllers Creon and Crimson. […]
Phonitor mini Review in

Marcus Schlosser from German online magazine recently reviewed the Phonitor mini. He seems to have liked it quite a bit and thinks it’s a “versatile headphone amp”: “If you have a home studio you know what it’s like: The room isn’t acoustically treated, the speakers generate some weird resonances and it’s hard not to […]
Phonitor mini in Head-Fi

Our Phonitor series keeps on getting rave reviews everywhere. This time it was the Phonitor mini that got the accolades from a reviewer at Head-Fi. “The soundstage is a big highlight of the amp. It’s open, airy, and very much a more 3D experience…” “Bass is deep and powerful, but not bloated or overblown.” “The […]
“Wirtschafts Woche” – Phonitor mini

Es ist kein Geheimnis mehr, dass Musik hören über Kopfhörer in den letzten Jahren an großer Beliebtheit gewonnen hat. Bei einem Vergleichstest, der “Wirtschafts Woche” wurde aufgezeigt, was der Markt zu bieten hat. Unser Phonitor mini wurde als Repräsentant für hochwertige Kopfhörerverstärker ausgewählt. Ein wichtiger Aspekt des Artikels ist nicht nur die hochwertige Verstärkung, sondern […]
Phonitor mini in Amazona

Do you still have some room under the Christmas tree? Would a Phonitor mini fit in there? Maybe first you’d like to read what said about it their recent review. Felix Thoma was in charge of putting the SPL Phonitor mini to the test, a product he “highly recommends”. “The Phonitor mini put up […]