Expansion Rack in Recording Magazin
“High-quality feel and the perfect sound of the unit meet the useful features of the Headphone-Amp Modul…“ In the 02/16 issue of German Recording Magazin you can find a short review of our SPL Expansion Rack. Expansion Rack is a Rack-mount housing for the Phonitor 2 + 1×4 Switch. Thanks to the Expansion Rack’s built-in […]
SPL Expansion Rack – Video on proaudio.tv
We recently shot a video for proaudio.tv introducing our brand new Phonitor 2 Expansion Rack. The Phonitor 2 has lots of features that can be used both for mastering and monitor controlling (phase inverter, L/R, solo L/R, mono, mute). And that’s why we went a step further and developed the 19″ rack mount kit for […]
SPL at CanJam 2015
The 1400 visitors to this year’s CanJam Europe set a new record. And we were obviously part of it. This year, we took with us to Essen, Germany, our headphone amps Phonitor 2 (together with the new Expansion Rack), and Phonitor mini, as well as our USB Audio Interfaces and Monitor Controllers Creon and Crimson. […]