Phonitor xe @ The Headphoneer

The Headphoneer has made an extensive comparison test with our Phonitor xe and other headphone amplifiers. But that’s not all: various headphones were also used to really put the device through its paces. You want to know what came out of this field report? We highly recommend to check it out! We compiled a short […]

Crescendo duo @

At you can find a review (in German) about the SPL Crescendo duo – with video links. Andrew Levine has put the device through its paces. You can find the full review online. We have put together a short summary for you: 120V Technology: “The idea behind the 120 V Technology is to transmit […]

Director Mk2 & Performer s800 in HiFi-Stars

“A combination for all cases.” You can find two reviews in one in HiFi-Stars magazine (edition 47). Wolfgang Vogel has extensively examined our DA Converter and Preamplifier SPL Director Mk2 as well as the Performer s800 power amplifier and is enthusiastic about the combination. As always, we offer you a short summary here: Technology: “The […]

Gemini & Hermes in Studio Magazin

Friedemann Kootz wrote an extensive and detailed review (in German). We highly recommend to check it out! Here’s a little English summary: Hermes: “Hermes was the messenger of the gods and the god of traffic, in Greek mythology, so he is not at all badly suited as a name giver for a device which has […]

Director Mk2 in lite-Magazin

lite-Magazine is an online magazine about lifestyle and technology. Editor Volker Frech extensively tested our DA Converter and Preamplifier SPL Director Mk2 and is impressed: “There are products that provide a feeling of high quality and exceptionality as soon as you unpack them. The SPL Director Mk2 is such a component: With its characteristic look […]

Crescendo @ Amazona

At you can find a review (in German) with sound examples of our 8-Channel Microphone Preamp featuring 120V Technology SPL Crescendo. Jörg Hoffmann put the device through its paces. Here is a little summary. Build quality and design: “Flawless! SPL has built a very fine piece of technology there. Even in the details the […]

SPL PQ @ SonicScoop

Nick Messitte of online platform SonicScoop was “on the hunt for a mastering-grade stereo equalizer for a while” when the opportunity to review an SPL PQ came his way. So he did an awesome review, which also includes some sound example videos, that we wholeheartedly recommend to check out. Here’s a short summary: “No one […]

SPL Crescendo duo Give-Away

You are sitting right in your studio reading this blogpost about the SPL Crescendo duo Give-Away, thinking the Crescendo duo would be the perfect front-end to get the best out of your recordings? Now this is your chance to get yours – for free! Send some greetings out of your studio and you are in! […]

Phonitor x @ HiFi-IFAs

Not long ago, the HiFi-IFAs tested our DA converter & preamp SPL Director Mk 2 and were completely enthusiastic about it. This is why Falk Visarius decided to grab an SPL Phonitor x with optional DAC 768xs D/A converter module and put it through the acid test: “Those who follow our blog closely probably know […]

Crescendo duo @

Matching the product launch, this is the this first review (in German) about our Crescendo duo. You can find it online at We have compiled a short summary for you: First impression: “According to the current product design of SPL, the Crescendo duo also has a modern black and silver look. Its 2U 19-inch sheet […]