“It is the smallest and most affordable power amplifier in the product range of the German company Sound Performance Labs – short SPL. Nevertheless, the Performer s800 also comes with the exciting VOLTAiR high-voltage amplifier technology, studio-grade features and plenty of power. We have explored how it sounds in our listening room.”
In the online magazine HIFI.DE you can find a review of our compact stereo power amplifier SPL Performer s800. The complete review (in German) is available online at HIFI.DE. We have summarized and translated some of the highlights for you here on our blog.
“With 285/185 watts per channel into 4/8 ohms, the s800 has almost unlimited power reserves for hi-fi purposes. If you need even more, you can drive two 800s in mono bridge mode to get powerful 450 watts into 8 ohms.”
“Only two amplifier stages per channel work in the s800, with the first one already providing the full voltage gain of 26 dB, while the second one only supplies these voltages with a suitable amount of power. This extremely straightforward design is made possible by SPL’s own VOLTAiR amplifiers. Basically, these are huge, discrete operational amplifiers that can work with much higher voltages than regular op-amp chips.”
“Even at high levels and with intense low frequencies and impulsive music, the s800 sounds relaxed, controlled and precise.”
“The bass has punch, shape and rhythm – characteristics that some fatter-sounding reference amps lack to an almost alarming degree after the switch back. In the listening test, the s800 is therefore surprising in two ways: firstly with its unexpectedly lively and light-footed bass sounds. And then with the realization of how quickly you get used to this quality and how much it is suddenly missing from other amps.”
“The high frequencies of the Performer s800 provide airiness and smoothness that we have rarely experience with other amps of comparable power.”
“The s800 does not sound shrill, but rather – if anything – has a minimal mildness to its sound. Nevertheless, its high frequencies are surprisingly pure and brilliant.”
“However, the transparent, precise sound of the s800 never tends towards a technical or analytical side. When fine-tuning a device, the SPL development team always makes its decisions with a listening test.”
“The voicing of the power amplifier has been carefully and perfectly handled by its German developers. Everything simply sounds incredibly real.”
“The SPL Performer s800 is not a sound machine, but an absolutely reliable working tool that meets professional demands.”
“Puristic design with an extremely straightforward signal path, performance in abundance – and a sound that is both audiophile and perfectly natural.”
“The listening pleasure is enormous, because the SPL does not use any effects. The price is not only acceptable, but is also extremely reasonable in view of the outstanding manufacturing.”