Win an SPL Marc One or Phonitor One d

German online platform raffles a brand-new SPL Phonitor One d and a Marc One as part of their reader survey. What you have to do for it? If you take part in the reader survey until December 12, 2020, you will automatically join the raffle. All further information and the conditions of participation […]

Marc One @ MoProAudio

When Mo Volans from MoProAudio heard about the new SPL Series One, he spared neither trouble nor expense to pay us a visit. He left the company with one of our prototypes of the SPL Marc One to do an amazing video review on his Youtube channel. First impression of Marc One: “It is a […]

Marc One in Professional Audio

In the latest edition of German Professional Audio magazine you will find a review of our Monitoring and Recording Controller SPL Marc One. Stefan Hofmann has tested the device and is impressed: “In my opinion, this device is the perfect companion for mixing and mastering applications. At first I thought the SPL Marc One would […]

Mugent Sessions featuring Paul Schal

How do you master a track?Is it possible to get a good result by mastering your production on your own, or should you rather leave this work to a professional mastering studio? These are the topics of the Mugent Sessions #6 (in German) with guest Paul Schal from the 432 studios in Berlin, which aired […]

Phonitor One & One d @

Matching the product launch of the Series One the first review is already online. Jörg Hoffmann of has taken a close look at the two brandnew headphone amplifiers Phonitor One and Phonitor One d and is impressed: “You hardly have to write anything about SPL anymore: At we often had the pleasure to […]

Phonitor se in EAR IN

For the edition 4/20 of German headphone magazine EAR IN, Martin Mertens wrote a great review about our new headphone amplifier SPL Phonitor se. You can find the complete review in the magazine. Here we provide you with a short summary, but it’s definitely worth reading the complete thing in the print magazine. “With the […]

Mercury in Recording

For the edition 9/20 of American Recording magazine, Justin Perkins wrote a great review about our Mastering D/A Converter SPL Mercury. You can find the complete review online and in the magazine. We really recommend to check it out! We provide you with a short summary here. Features and Technology: “Mercury is built on the […]

Costa Rica Kaffee in HiFi-Stars

„Without a doubt, this is one of the best coffees in the world…“ Today we have a very special ‘review’. Not only is good sound important at SPL, but also good coffee – developer and SPL founder Wolfgang Neumann visited a very special coffee farm during a vacation in Costa Rica about 25 years ago. […]

Mercury in Tape Op

For the edition 6/20 of Tape Op magazine, Tom Fine wrote a great review about our Mastering D/A Converter SPL Mercury. You can find the complete review online and in the magazine, here we provide you with a short summary: In practice: “The front-panel source switching worked great – no hiccups or noise bursts when […]

Mercury in HiFi einsnull

For the edition 4/20 of German HiFi einsnull magazine, Philipp Schneckenburger wrote a great review about our Mastering DA-converter SPL Mercury. You can find the complete review in the magazine, here we provide you with an English summary: “Especially haptically, Mercury has turned out wonderfully, from the pressure points of the buttons, to the material […]