SPL Phonitor One d @ headphones.com

On headphones.com you’ll find a review about our Audiophile Headphone Amplifier with Phonitor Matrix, 32-bit DA-converter and outstanding sound quality, the SPL Phonitor One d.

First impression:

“Unboxing the Phonitor One d was fairly straightforward, with a USB A to B cable thoughtfully thrown in. Otherwise the amp is nice and understated. There are no flashy circle-shaped VU meters, but it has the nice matte front panel and sturdy metal chassis of the other SPL gear. The knob turns smoothly and has a nice, if light feel, and everything from the switches to the rubberized feet on the bottom seems like it should last a while.”


“The Phonitor One d is cut from the same general sonic cloth as the bigger Phonitors, it has very smooth grain free treble, solid bass and great dynamics with a generally smooth and tightly focused and transparent sound.”

The DAC:

“As regards the digital section, I think this is a nice AKM digital section. It very much has the 4490 chip’s smooth and inoffensive sound, but it seems as though a little extra detail than I’m used to has been wrung out of it. There’s a level of refinement to this digital stage which surpasses other DACs that I was surprised by.”

“This DAC to my ears has all the properties one would want in a DAC at this price point, being listenable, without glare, and offering a slightly above average level of detail and attack. However SPL has tuned the treble on this AKM implementation has a nice extra bit of snap that I thoroughly enjoyed.”


“Mostly I think what sticks out to me about the Phonitor One d is that it does so many things so well, that it gives me a taste of what a higher end amp will do, and it makes me want more.”

“SPL is making mature products that don’t have any obvious weaknesses or drawbacks.
If you’re using more sensitive dynamic headphones and are tired of overly bright or warm electronics, then I can see this being a good choice, especially if you want an all-in-one unit without the fuss of multiple cables. Additionally, if you dabble in music production, this is a great compact unit to take on the go, and having the transparent SPL Phonitor house sound in such a small package with USB and TRS inputs puts this in a great sweetspot for people who like to mix their audiophile and pro audio habits.”

Find the complete review here.

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