Experience the Phonitor Matrix!

One of the unique features of SPL headphone amplifiers is the SPL Phonitor Matrix. It enables mixing and mastering engineers to create perfect mixes on headphones, which will translate perfectly to all types of stereo speaker systems. But the Phonitor Matrix is not only designed for professional use in the studio. It also enables the hifi enthusiast to enjoy music on headphones, like if it was played back on speakers.

How is this possible?

Music is normally produced and mixed for playback on stereo speakers. Listening on headphones is different from listening on loudspeakers. The biggest difference is the lack of crossing signals of the sound signal from the left speaker to the right ear and from the right speaker to the left ear.

These crossing signals are missing in conventional headphone listening, because there are no signals crossing from one side of the headphones to the other. This results in an unnaturally wide stereo stage and sound sources are not played back at their correct position in the stereo spectrum.

The SPL Phonitor Matrix can correct this false stereo image with an analog circuitry.
The two main parameters of the Phonitor Matrix are Crossfeed and Angle:

  • Crossfeed determines the crossing signals of the channels.
  • Angle determines the opening angle of the stereo image.

During conventional listening on headphones, our brain can compensate a certain level of false playback representation – but this is very exhausting and leads to listening fatigue.

To make the listening experience even more perfect, the level of the center of the stereo image needs to be attenuated when the Phonitor Matrix is active. This ensures that not only the position of all sound sources is correct but also their volume.

In most Phonitor devices this value is set to a fixed attenuation of -1 dB, which is the best choice for getting an authentic representation of the sound stage. Only Phonitor 2, designed for the most advanced mixing and mastering applications, allows to adjust the center level in 0.3 dB steps with the „Center” switch.

Summed up: 

The SPL Phonitor Matrix corrects the false representation of the stereo sound image, which makes it much easier to find the right decisions for mixing and mastering engineers. The hifi enthusiast can experience the music, like it was originally mixed and recorded. 

Experience the Phonitor Matrix visibly and audibly and discover its advantages in this short 3-minute-video:

Play Video

SPL devices with Phonitor Matrix:


Phonitor 2: The headphone monitoring amp and preamplifier

Phonitor 2 is the ultimate headphone amplifier with 120V technology for sound and mastering engineers who also mix and master on headphones. Speakers can also be connected, making Phonitor 2 a full-fledged monitor controller.

Phonitor One d: The Audiophile Headphone Amplifier + DAC

with innovative Phonitor Matrix and outstanding sound quality.

Phonitor One: The Audiophile Headphone Amplifier 

with innovative Phonitor Matrix and outstanding sound quality.

Marc One: The Monitor And Recording Controller

with innovative features and a 32-bit AD/DA converter. A monitor controller with which you can also record – both in impressive sound quality.

Control One: The Monitor Controller

with innovative features, developed for fast workflow and impressive sound quality.



HPm: Dual Headphone Monitoring Amplifier for 500 Series

Headphone monitoring amplifi er for two headphones with Phonitor Matrix as double rack module for the 500 series.

Professional Fidelity:


Phonitor xe: Our nonplusultra headphone amplifier.

Phonitor Matrix, remote volume control, retro-look VU meter, optional
premium DA converters and the all-superior VOLTAiR technology make the
Phonitor xe one of the best headphone amplifi ers of our time.



Phonitor x: Headphone Amplifier and Preamplifier

The Phonitor x is both an outstanding headphone amplifier and an excellent preamplifi er that can be used to directly drive power amplifiers or active speakers. With the optional DA converter, it not only plays from analog sources, but also directly from digital sources.



Phonitor se: Our entry model into the world of VOLTAiR headphone amplifiers.

The Phonitor se is focused on the essentials – without compromising on
quality. It has the same audio signal amplifi cation as its bigger brothers
Phonitor x and Phonitor xe. With the optional DA converter, it can also play
from digital sources.

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Phonitor xe @ lite-magazin

“This headphone amplifier provides audiophile sound and a three-dimensional representation on the same level as first-class loudspeakers.”


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