“If audiophile headphone aficionados are looking for a professional hi-fi device, they inevitably land at SPL and subsequently find the Phonitor xe. In the professional domain, it always comes down to the best quality at the best price. And SPL shows that impressively with the Phonitor xe.”
At the online platform Miniklangwunder you can find a review of our nonplusultra headphone amplifier SPL Phonitor xe. The complete review is available online – here we provide a short summary. Have fun reading!
Design & Manufacturing:
“I thoroughly like the housing shapes of the SPL devices with their rounded edges. Like the previously tested devices from SPL, the Phonitor xe is also distinguished by its visual simplicity.”
“The switches and knobs have been arranged very aesthetically across the front. It’s a real pleasure to turn the large volume knob manually or control it with any infrared remote.”
“Matching the retro toggle switches, the Phonitor xe was also gifted with two analog VU meters, the control of which is done by the input signal.”
“A pro audio device that also fits in a home hi-fi environment.”
VOLTAiR technology:
“SPL products with VOLTAiR technology have proprietary operational amplifiers installed on the circuit board. These operate at -60V and +60V, providing significantly extended dynamic range and headroom.”
“Of course, the resulting advantages only come into play when a DAC with same-quality parameters is connected afore, as in this case the DAC768, which is available as an optional DAC module.”
Phonitor Matrix:
“On the one hand, this ensures fatigue-free listening for hours with the personally optimal setting and on the other hand, a wide variety of headphones can be used to match the existing setup of studio monitor speakers in the context of professional use.”
“The Phonitor xe plays with a very high dynamic range, not least due to the VOLTAiR technology, and offers absolutely precise contours no matter in which frequency range. Neither basses are thickened nor voices or instruments are discolored. And the Phonitor xe also leaves any other emphasis to the connected headphones.”
“There’s really not much else to say in terms of sound, because the Phonitor xe doesn’t bring its own sound signature in the best sense of the word. It almost performs transparently – from the source signal all the way to the headphones.”
“With Phonitor Matrix, VOLTAiR technology, DAC768, first-class manufacturing as well as absolutely precise and authentic sonic qualities, no wishes for your hifi setup remain unfulfilled.”