Phonitor xe @ lite-magazin

“This headphone amplifier provides audiophile sound and a three-dimensional representation on the same level as first-class loudspeakers.”

”‘Matrix’ is the magic word here. It ensures an authentic listening experience. In our test, we have already extensively tested the functionality of the matrix and the various possibilities of the Phonitor xe. In this review and video, we summarize the outstanding features of one of our all-time favourites once again.”

At the online platform lite-Magazin you can find a review with video about our nonplusultra headphone amplifier – the SPL Phonitor xe. Read the complete review online at lite-magazine – here we summarized and translated some of the highlights.

“SPL stands for the finest pro audio technology and high-performance home electronics. Anyone who has ever owned an SPL product knows the consistent approach that the brand has always pursued in music reproduction. We were able to see this for ourselves in our test of the Phonitor xe.”

“Two headphones can be connected to the SPL. Optionally on the front via a balanced XLR and an unbalanced stereo jack output.”

“And there’s more: the Phonitor xe can also be optionally be ordered with an additional HiRes DAC for an extra charge. This also includes the corresponding input sockets.”

Phonitor Matrix:

“This headphone amplifier was originally developed in a compact format for the professional use in a studio. It was intended to enable mixing and mastering via headphones. At the same time, however, all the disadvantages of conventional methods, such as hard channel separation and other limitations, needed to be avoided. Consequently, the Phonitor xe strives to create a representation that not only takes place in the head, but corresponds to how it is reproduced by two loudspeakers in the listening room. And as if all this were not enough, the listener is shielded from the acoustic distractions that are often present in a real room. This is precisely what the matrix described at the beginning is responsible for.”

“The fascination of headphone listening lies in the intense, detailed reproduction of music. However, phenomena such as in-head localization and the super stereo effect lead to an unnatural stereo stage. In this case the music appears in the head instead of in front of the listener, the spatial depth is limited, but the width is excessive. These effects are caused by the hard separation of the right and left signal components during stereo playback via headphones. In contrast, playback via loudspeakers ensures a more genuine listening experience thanks to natural crosstalk and differences in time and level. This creates an acoustic impression of room in width and depth. The SPL Phonitor Matrix, an advanced crossfeed simulation, addresses this problem with a more sophisticated technology: It enables a more realistic, spatial reproduction by transferring signal components from the right channel to the left ear and vice versa. This creates a more detailed, more natural stereo stage, which significantly improves the enjoyment of music through headphones.”


“Phonitor xe combines the best elements from different worlds. It brings the pro audio sound into the living room and makes headphones sound like premium loudspeakers.”

“This is made possible by the clever and flexible Matrix circuit. Further adjustment tools and the option of using two headphones unbalanced or balanced via XLR increase the range of functions. Classic VU meters and the sophisticated housing in a futuristic retro style round off the impressive overall package.”

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