“When it comes to design, SPL is absolutely upmaster. I love the vintage style, which is also modern at the same time. The front panel is available in three different colors for every taste – black, silver and SPL red, which is absolutely my favorite.”
Mad from the Youtube channel Mad Audio already did an awesome video about the SPL Crossover, he now dedicated a new video to review our nonplusultra headphone amplifier SPL Phonitor xe.
“The metal chassis are really solid. It fits on my desktop without any problem. Great materials were used for knobs and switches.”
“On the front panel we can find the input source selections that give you the possibility to switch between two analog stereo inputs (XLR and RCA) and digital inputs like USB, coaxial and optical.”
“On the front panel there is also the Crossfeed section – there is so much so say about that. To put it simple, in my opinion this is the magic of this amplifier. It really opens a new world for me.”
[Click here if you want to learn more about the Phonitor Matrix.]
“The big volume knob is incredibly precise with a perfect smoothness and can be remotely controlled with any infrared remote control.”
“We got sophisticated components in the Phonitor xe with big toroidal power supply, dual low pass filter and the SPL VOLTAiR technology for more headroom, dynamic range and less noise and distortion.”
“The musicality of the Phonitor xe is smooth, dynamic, ultra clean, precise and has effortless authority.”
“The bottom end is firm and precise – still natural with a slightly but pleasing harmonic coloration. Deep dynamics with a great definition.”
“The mid-range is clean with an amazing intelligibility – natural, transparent and realistic.”
“High frequencies are well extended, incredibly composed and never fatiguing – even at high volumes.”
“In the end I was really sad, that I had to give it back. So much, that I’m considering to buy one. It’s worth every single penny. It has the ability to bring life and color to any kind of headphones. Everything is in the right place in this small box that is so huge and big inside.”
Have fun watching: