Phonitor xe @

On the online platform you will find everything about headphones. That is why our headphone amplifier – SPL Phonitor xe – can’t be missing. Find the complete review (in German) online at – here we provide you with a short summary in English:

“Already the 5.1 kg heavy housing makes the hearts of every hifi lover beat faster. SPL from Niederkrüchten on the Lower Rhine region doesn’t hold back: the Phonitor xe, available with the front colors silver, black and red, is manufactured to be equally decorative, valuable and robust – the power supply unit is integrated. In terms of technical design and equipment, the manufacturer relies on its long history in the field of audio engineering and mastering, which is why the series also sports the name Professional Fidelity.”

“Unbalanced RCA and balanced XLR inputs are offered in the tested analog version, as well as four additional inputs in the version with integrated converter. The front panel features the large, smoothly gliding Alps RK27 potentiometer, the switch for source selection, the switchable in-house Phonitor Matrix with two adjustable parameters, and a mono/stereo switch with an additional option for adjusting the stereo balance (laterality).”

“Functionally, there is really nothing to criticize about the Phonitor xe… The operation is clear and the respective controls are of high quality and complete.”


“As a headphone amplifier, the Phonitor xe leaves practically nothing to be desired. In the test, it worked sovereign… in particular… the richness of detail, the dynamic and spatial imaging are simply breathtaking. The technical data for the signal-to-noise ratio and the frequency response are equally on the highest level.”

Phonitor Matrix:

“The effect of the Phonitor Matrix is coherent and dependent on the source material.
If one assumes that a mix was created on loudspeakers, then the desire is justified to be able to hear it in headphone mode as it was created by the sound engineer.
The Phonitor Matrix fulfills this goal to a good extent by bringing the sound closer to a loudspeaker reproduction.
Definitely, the circuit offers sound engineers and critical music listeners an increased compatibility to loudspeaker reproduction and thus to the ‘truth of a mix’.”


“The Phonitor xe delivers headphone sound in perfection – provided an equally high-quality headphone is used. The nobly finished device confidently drives practically any headphone to the highest performance in all disciplines that can be placed on the sound reproduction, from the best detail resolution to spatial and dynamic reproduction.”

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Phonitor xe @ lite-magazin

“This headphone amplifier provides audiophile sound and a three-dimensional representation on the same level as first-class loudspeakers.”


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