Marc One @ PerformerMag

“SPL’s new Marc One brings the practical application of switching between monitoring sources without a lot of hassle, and is a great tool for optimizing mixes.”

Check out this great review about our Monitoring and Recording Controller SPL Marc One. Chris Devine has tested the device for PerformerMag. You can find the complete review online or in the print version (edition February/March 2021) of the magazine – here we provide a short summary.

“Size-wise, it’s not that much bigger than a typical 2-channel DAW interface, with a front panel that covers switching between two sets of speakers/monitors, along with a level control knob.
With a Stereo/mono selector that also has a stereo reverse function, the user gets a comprehensive ability to work the mix for various applications, such as video or TV work. In the middle position, all input signals are equally loud. To the left, the analog stereo inputs get louder and the USB input signal gets quieter. So, it blends between analog inputs and digital input (USB) – very useful, indeed.”

“The back panel has line outs for connecting to headphone amplifiers, as well as being used as an additional output source. Speaker connections are here as well, with one set having the additional output for a subwoofer. Inputs for analog signals from a DAW or recording unit, and a USB connection reside here too. No need to worry about pairing active and passive speakers, there’s a set of dip switches that can configure the unit to handle that consideration.”

Phonitor Matrix:

“The crossfeed control allows the headphone mix to respond more like a room mix, which for users who may have to (or prefer to) mix on headphones, they’ll get a better overall result. Ever hear a friend’s recording that they mixed on headphones, and you know it sounds like they mixed on a set of cans. With this function it can severely reduce that effect.”

“The Phonitor Matrix Crossfeed feature however was a big deal, it allows the user to really reduce the stereo isolation. Listen to a drum mix with proper panning of the toms and cymbals and it sounds far livelier.”


“Excellent sound routing options, Crossfeed function is great, simple to use.”

“The Phonitor Matrix isn’t a gimmick either and gives the user the ability to do a ton of work on a set of headphones, either due to preference or not to bother others, get really good results, then start to tackle mixes on their speakers of choice. It’s a good piece of studio kit that can help mixing workflow, and overall results.”

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