Control One & Marc One @ Bonedo

We are very happy about the great interest of the trade press in our Series One. Today we want to shine a light on a review at Felix Klostermann has extensively tested our Control One and Marc One. Here is a German summary.

“Plug it in, let’s go – the analog operation of Control One and Marc One is superbly implemented and the sound is on the highest level. Studio technology for your home! The uncomplicated use in combination with the USB interface makes the Marc One in particular the perfect companion for high-quality audio enjoyment without having to rob the bank.”

First impression:

“SPL Control One and SPL Marc One are both ‘Made in Germany’ and differ mainly in the built-in USB audio interface, which allows them to serve different product categories. Which would be a monitor controller on one side and a puristic audio interface with analog monitoring as ‘recording controller’ on the other side.”

What both devices have in common, apart from their differences, is the Phonitor Matrix, the excellent measurement values and the outstanding sound performance.

Phonitor Matrix:

“The Phonitor Matrix makes the headphones sound more vivid, because the crosstalk between L and R is simulated, as it is usually known from listening through loudspeakers. This makes the SPL sound less artificial than commonly usual with headphones – especially with good closed models.”

Measured values:

“The measurements are on a high level, the performance of the potentiometer is also great. The frequency response is 10 Hz to 200 kHz at -3 dB, with a dynamic range of 120 dB and an A-weighted noise of -99 dB at 600 Ohm. The distortion factor is 0.002 % (0 dBu, 10 Hz-22 kHz, 600 Ω) and crosstalk is below 75 dB @ 1 kHz. The L/R difference, as measured by me, was on average 0.2 dB difference in the upper 50 percent control path. Very good!”


“One of the main arguments for the One series is the high-quality headphone output, which is really crisp and loud. The converters themselves also resolve quickly and cleanly.”

“By the way, the L/R synchronization is very good and the switchable -10dB brake ensures that even particularly input-sensitive active monitors can be levelled cleanly in the upper 50 percent of the large potentiometer.”

You can find the complete review (in German) online at

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