Win a Crimson 3!

Never-ending winning 😉 Two weeks ago we raffled off a Crimson 3 at SAE Alumni Convention. This time gives you the possibility to win a Crimson 3! All you have to do is join the reader survey up until the 6th of December: We are sorry but you can only participate if […]

IRON “All Black”

Black is the new black! We are currently offering the SPL IRON Mastering Compressor in an “All Black” edition. Black VUs and a black centerpiece make the unit a visual treat! Sonically and technically these units are identical to the standard series. This will be a limited run, so if you’re interested in this black […]

PQ and IRON at Gearslutz Weekend

Test the IRON Mastering Compressor and the PQ Mastering Equalizer at Mastering Academy’s Gearslutz Weekend! You can save 300 euros if you register with the voucher code ‘Test-SPL’, which means that you can attend both seminar days for only 290 euros! There will be a maximum number of eight participants, so hurry up! The Gearslutz Weekend […]

SPL PQ and HPm at the 33rd Annual TEC Awards

We are very honored that the SPL HPm 500 series module and the SPL PQ Mastering Equalizer are nominated for ‘Outstanding Technical Achievement’ in the categories ‘Amplification Hardware/Studio & Sound Reinforcement’ and ‘Signal Processing Hardware’ at the 33rd Annual Technical Excellence & Creativity Awards. The annual awards are presented at The NAMM Show in Anaheim, […]

HPm at

At, you will find a short review of our Headphone Monitoring Amplifier 500 Series module HPm: “During the last few years API 500 series modules grew in popularity. But what was missing was a high-quality headphone amplifier for monitoring. SPL’s headphone amplifier HPm is now filling this gap.” Sound “I would describe the sound […]

Crimson 3 @ Amazona

At you can find a review about our brandnew Crimson 3. Musician and sound engineer Axel Ritt has put the unit to the test and seems to be pretty convinced: “With the Crimson 3, German hardware specialist SPL puts out an even more excellent successor of their big seller. By including a Talkback Microphone […]

Crimson 3 in Soundcheck

“The Crimson 3 is the ideal control center for home recording or smaller project studios.” In the current edition (09/17) of German Soundcheck magazine you will find a review about our brand-new Crimson 3: “Anyone who ever planned to set up a recording studio knows that besides a proper Digital Audio Workstation you also need […]

*Phonitor x in The Absolute Sound

“I can’t imagine a situation where the Phonitor x could run out of power and not be capable of optimally driving any pair of headphones.” American high-end audio magazine ‘the absolute sound’ did a review about our Phonitor x in their current issue (#275 – September 2017): “My first and last impression of the Phonitor […]

Die Denkaz „Ich und mein Crimson“ (Song)

The ultimate declaration of love for the Crimson3! Weller34 (Facebook) won our brand-new Crimson 3 a short while ago. To thank us he and his buddy and SPL user Shaded29 (Facebook) decided to make an awesome and entertaining tribute video about the unit. Wheter it’s the sound, haptics, flexibility, the Phonitor Matrix or the new […]

SPL Summer Sale – 30%

SPL Summer Sale – 30% Spring event season 2017 is over and we’ve got some b-stock and demo devices at our warehouse. We are now offering them for a special price reduced by 30%. You should definitely check it out! We might have something in store for you! SPL Mastering: PQ Equalizer – RRP: 5.545,29€* […]