SPL X-mas Countdown 2019

There will be a special SPL giveaway this X-mas. Plenty of SPL gifts are waiting for all SPL Newsletter subscribers every week. You haven’t subscribed to the SPL Newsletter yet? Well, it’s about time to do it! Every Sunday of the Advent season we give away three SPL 16GB USB Sticks and three SPL Shirts. You’re […]

Director Mk2 @fairaudio

The Director Mk2 is the derivative of our reference preamplifier Director. Musician, sound engineer and specialized journalist Nick Mavridis of fairaudio has put the DA converter & preamplifier to the acid test and published a very informative and worthwhile review (in German). Here, we provide you with a little translated summary: “The SPL Director Mk2 […]

Analog Mastering Workshop and Listening Session

About the event: In cooperation with SPL and HEDD Audio, the 432 Studios will perform an interactive workshop where you get the chance to master your own song material in guidance with experienced tutors and mastering engineers on the newest SPL 120V high end mastering chain supported by HEDD’s Maintower monitor speakers located in a […]

Phonitor xe @ Hifistatement

Have you ever wondered if our reference headphone amplifier Phonitor xe also receives best marks from the Hifistatement? The netmagazine published a very worthwhile review about our ultimate headphone amplifier. Since the review is in German, we provide you with an English summary: “The outward appearance of the Phonitor xe definitely can’t hide the pro […]

Director Mk2 @ HiFi-IFAs

We are very happy to show you this new blog post with a new review of our Director Mk2. We’d like to say thank you to the HiFi-IFAs for this review which is definitely worth reading. Here on our blog, we provide you with an English summary – you’ll find the complete complimentary review (in German) […]

SPL User Story: 432 Studios

For the second SPL User Story, we visited Paul Schal (Tilman Brejora) in his 432Studios in Berlin and did an interview with him. In 2018 Paul founded the studios, providing production, mastering, mixing and recording service to international and local artist of all genres. Working in the audio industry as an artist, producer, professional mastering […]

Win an SPL MasterBay S – Review @Amazona.de

“SPL, Germany’s number one in terms of pro hardware, developed and launched an user-friendly version of their mastering flagship MasterBay called MasterBay S some time ago . This is the long overdue review.” “…deep inside we all know that high-end hardware definitely sounds better. We all use software solutions because of laziness and the reasonable […]

SPL User Story: Dan D’Ascenzo Mastering

We are proud to present a new series of interviews we will publish here. For this first one, we visited mastering engineer Dan D’Ascenzo in his Leftright Audio studio in Belgium and did a little interview with him. Dan has been a creative Mastering and Mixing Engineer with Worldwide credits for more than 15 years. […]

Phonitor xe @ lite-Magazin

lite-magazin is an online magazine for lifestyle and technology. Editor Volker Frech did an extensive review about our headphone amplifier Phonitor xe. Here is a little summary: “SPL has long been successful with different Phonitor versions and generations in the pro audio industry. Now, the German manufactory also wants to win over the private audiophiles. […]

SPL Phonos in HiFi-Stars

HiFi-Stars is a holistic HiFi magazine – technology, music and lifestyle. In the current edition (44) you’ll find a review about our Phonos Phono preamplifier. Like always, we provide you with a little summary: “For about thirty years, SPL (Sound Performance Lab) has made a name for itself within the musician and studio scene as […]