Phonitor xe @

On the online platform you will find everything about headphones. That is why our headphone amplifier – SPL Phonitor xe – can’t be missing. Find the complete review (in German) online at – here we provide you with a short summary in English: “Already the 5.1 kg heavy housing makes the hearts of […]

Video Review – Marc One

The SPL Series One gets a whole lot of attention all around the globe. Today we got something for our friends in South Korea. A video review about our Monitor And Recording Controller SPL Marc One. Have fun watching the video: Play Video

Channel One @ Amazona

“Every studio that deals with the recording of acoustic signals should at least have a good microphone and a good preamp. The SPL Channel One goes one step further and offers, in addition to the preamplifier, an equalizer a compressor a noise gate a de-esser and even a distortion stage. Thus, it does justice to […]

Marc One in Recording Magazin

In the current edition (3/21) of German Recording Magazine you can find a review about the SPL Marc One. You can read the complete review in the magazine – here we provide a short summary. First impression: “Completely in matte black, the compact and robust steel housing makes quite an impression. The target group is […]

Crimson 3 @ Gaming Audio Guide

Gaming Audio Guide is taking a look at modern electronics from the perspective of a competitive gamer and audiophile. After the online platform has already published a video about our headphone amplifier SPL Phonitor x last year, there is now a new video review about our audio interface & monitor controller SPL Crimson 3. You […]

Phonitor se @ Miniklangwunder

“A few weeks ago I already did a review about the SPL Phonitor One d, which has been my personal entry into the world of SPL headphone amplifiers. With the Phonitor se I now get to know the feature ‘Voltair technology’. Whether it can convince me, we will find in the course of this review.” […]

Volume2 @ Tannoyista

“Volume2 is an active pre-amp using high-quality balancing stages. With extremely good common-mode rejection it diminishes interference and keeps everything accurate and in check.” Tannoyista is a review website devoted to audiophile and pro audio equipment. On this platform you can also find a review about our Stereo Volume Controller SPL Volume2. Read the complete […]

Marc One @ Amazona

“With the SPL Marc One, the German manufacturer introduces a monitor and recording controller of the highest audio standard to their portfolio. The product convinces with an excellent manufacturing, best hardware components, visual appeal and a converter concept that gets the maximum out of the signal flow with 32 bit at 768 kHz.” “Monitor and […]

Phonitor se @ lite-Magazin

“Recording studio performance at home and at an affordable price? The Phonitor se makes it possible, because SPL brings its top technology down to the essentials in this headphone amplifier.” You can find the full review (in German) online at lite-Magazin. Here we provide a short English summary. Sound: “And so we experience with the […]

Marc One @ Mix Online

“If you always thought SPL products were out of your price range, think again. The vaunted German manufacturer recently released a new range of affordable headphone amps and monitor controllers called Series One.” At Mix Online (as well as in the printed edition – Mix Magazine) you can find a great review about our Monitoring […]