Professional fidelity

SPL has been developing professional audio technology for over 35 years.
Sound studios all over the world rely on the outstanding sound quality.
Mastering studios demand the highest standards in terms of audio performance, because they put the finishing touches to music productions – with the proprietary SPL 120V technology.

In our Professional Fidelity series, we refer to this unsurpassed technology as VOLTAiR technology.

Experience music on the same level as the mastering sound engineer.
Infinite dynamic range.
Sense for spatiality.
Detail-rich, vivid, honest and plain simply beautiful.

This is SPL VOLTAiR technology.

The VOLTAiR Technology

The 120V technology is our reference technology. The 120V technology is unique in the world. It operates at a DC voltage of 120 volts. This is four times that of IC-based semiconductor op-amps. In our Professional Fidelity series, we refer to this unsurpassed technology as VOLTAiR technology.

The highest possible audio quality requires the highest possible audio operating voltage.

The 120V technology works with +/-60 V. To be able to handle such a high voltage, we have developed special proprietary operational amplifiers that can operate with a DC voltage of +/-60 V: the SPL 120V SUPRA operational amplifiers. 

This high voltage would destroy conventional components and operational amplifiers.

By the way, the “120V” in the name of the technology has nothing to do with the local mains voltage from the mains power socket. This is about the operating voltage inside the device with which the audio signals are processed.
The mains voltage from the mains power socket is transformed to the required secondary voltage in the device’s internal linear power supply with toroidal transformer. Rectifiers convert this AC voltage into DC voltage required in the audio device.

VOLTAiR is a composition of the terms Volt and Air.
Volt is the unit for electrical voltage and Air stands for the unlimited space the music can breathe in.

VOLTAiR symbolizes the perceived limitless dynamics resulting from high audio voltage.

What exactly is that?

And what does it do?

Good questions need good answers.

And that’s what the 120V technology (VOLTAiR) video gives you.

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Most audio devices work with an internal operating voltage of +/-15 volts and can thus process a maximum input level of +21.5 dBu. If a DAC, for example, has an output level of +22 dBu at 0 dBFS, level peaks of the music material would already cause overloads in the input stage of the device. 

All components in the audio device often operate at their limits. The result is an unsteady sound that causes stress and faster ear fatigue.

SPL devices with VOLTAiR technology can handle input levels of +32.5 dBu thanks to the higher internal operating voltage of +/- 60 volts – thus offering 12dB more headroom. All components consequently operate continuously in the optimum operating range. The result is a very pleasant, natural and relaxed sound experience. So you can enjoy your music in every detail.

These diagrams clearly show the superiority of the VOLTAiR technology in comparison to other circuits with lower, common operating voltages.

Award-winning technology

Professional Fidelity Brochure


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