SPL T-Shirt Give-Away 2022

Win one of 20 SPL shirts

You are an SPL fan and you want to share your enthusiasm for our brand with the rest of the world? Then we have just the right thing for you!
We are giving away 10 SPL shirts on Instagram and 10 more among all SPL Community News subscribers.

You haven’t subscribed to SPL Community News yet? What are you waiting for?


However, there is one more way to win an SPL shirt.

To win anSPL shirt on Instagram, simply post an SPL-related photo from your studio or listening room on your Instagram channel and let us know in the caption what you like to use your SPL gear for and what you particularly love about it. Add the hashtag #splLogoShirt to your statement in the caption and you’re already taking part in the give-away.

The give-away ends on June 20, 2022, 09:00 CET.

We will then contact the lucky winners after a draw on June 21, 2022.

Good luck!

Of course you can also regularly purchase the shirt at our online shop (EU only). To the product page.

Terms and conditions of participation

1. The participant is at least 18 years old.

2. The SPL T-Shirt Give-Away 2022 will start on on May 31, 2022 9:00 CET and will end on June 20, 2022 09:00 CET. Later contributions and postings will not be considered.

3. To join the SPL T-Shirt Give-Away 2022, the participant has to send or post at least one SPL related picture with a statement (short text about the device). To win an SPL shirt on Instagram, the participant has to post at least one SPL related picture and a statement with the hashtag #splLogoShirt.

4. There will be a draw on June 21, 2022 to determine which participants will receive an SPL shirts as a gift.

5. The drawn participants will receive an email or direct message on Instagram after the draw.

6. If we do not receive a response from a drawn participant until June 27, 2022 12:00 CET, another participant will be selected in a repeat draw. If this participant also does not respond within 10 working days, we will repeat this procedure two more times.

7. The photos sent via e-mail or posted on Instagram including statements may be used by us on our social media channels or posted on our website. The use can be revoked by the participant at any time.

8. Early termination and changes:
We reserve the right to cancel the SPL T-Shirt Give-Away 2022 in whole or in part at any time, even without adherence to deadlines, or to change its course, if for technical or legal reasons it is not possible to guarantee a proper execution of the SPL T-Shirt Give-Away 2022.
The SPL T-Shirt Give-Away 2022 is exclusively organized by SPL. Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are not involved in this raffle.
These terms and conditions of participation apply to all participants of the SPL T-Shirt Give-Away 2022. By participating in the SPL T-Shirt Give-Away 2022 all participants confirm that they have read and accepted the terms and conditions of participation and automatically agree on them by joining.

All decisions are final.

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Calculation of VAT (value added tax)

All prices are displayed by default including the VAT of your country.

If your country cannot be determined via geolocation and you are not logged in as a user with the billing address of your country, the prices are displayed including the VAT of Germany (19%).

What does it actually mean …

In Stock!

The product is in stock in our warehouse in Niederkrüchten, Germany, and will be shipped the same or next working day.

We process the orders after receipt of the order and update the stock in the online shop regularly. If the product is no longer available at short notice due to high order volume, you naturally have the right to withdraw from the purchase (see Right of Withdrawal).

In any case, you will receive an e-mail with details of the delivery and the estimated delivery time.

Available soon!

The product is not in stock in our warehouse in Niederkrüchten, Germany. Usually it will be available again within 5 working days.

In any case, you will receive an e-mail with the details of the delivery and the estimated delivery time.

Of course you have the right to withdraw from your purchase (see Right of Withdrawal).

Currently unavailable.

This product is currently sold out and unavailable.

Was bedeutet eigentlich …

Auf Lager!

Das Produkt ist in unserem Lager Niederkrüchten vorrätig und wird noch am selben oder nächsten Werktag versendet.

Wir arbeiten die Bestellungen nach Bestelleingang ab und aktualisieren den Bestand im Online-Shop regelmäßig. Falls das Produkt wegen hohem Bestellaufkommens kurzfristig nicht mehr verfügbar ist, hast du selbstverständlich das Recht, vom Kauf zurückzutreten (siehe Widerrufbelehrung).

In jeden Fall erhältst du eine E-Mail mit den Einzelheiten der Lieferung und der voraussichtlichen Lieferzeit.

Bald verfügbar!

Das Produkt ist in unserem Lager Niederkrüchten nicht vorrätig. Gewöhnlich ist es innerhalb von 5 Werktagen wieder verfügbar.

Auf jeden Fall erhältst du eine E-Mail mit den Einzelheiten der Lieferung und der voraussichtlichen Lieferzeit.

Selbstverständlich hast du das Recht, vom Kauf zurückzutreten (siehe Widerrufbelehrung).

Zur Zeit nicht verfügbar.

Dieses Produkt ist derzeit ausverkauft und nicht verfügbar.


Due to Covid19 there are no events scheduled at this time.


Aufgrund von Covid19 sind derzeit keine Events geplant.
