George Massenburg and Al Schmitt are coming to Basel, Switzerland – and you have the chance to join them!
The Sheer Pleasure of Sound Conference will cover a variety of aspects in depth in a series of speeches, open forum discussions and workshops. Take a look over the shoulder of George Massenburg, Al Schmitt and Daniel Dettwiler and get unique insights into the world of high-quality recording of acoustic music.
As an official sponsor of this event we will raffle a free ticket!
To join the raffle you only have to send us an e-mail with the subject “Sheer Pleasure of Sound”.
Furthermore we provide a discount of 25 % for the first 10 of you who sign up for this event (for the regular pass). Just type “SPL 25” into the comment field when you sign up.
As soon as the first 10 applications are registered, this option expires.
The event takes place May 3 – 5, 2019 in Basel, Switzerland.
Find further information as well as the option to sign up at the event’s website.
Have fun and good luck!
Terms and conditions of participation:
1. You have to be at least 18 years old.
2. To participate, you have to send an e-mail with the subject “Sheer Pleasure of Sound”
3. You have the possibilty to join this raffle from 03/28 2019, 02:00 pm CET until 04/04 2019, 9:00 am CET.
4. There will be a draw on 04/04 20198. This draw will decide which participant will get the free ticket.
5. We will contact the participant who will get the free ticket immediately after the draw via e-mail.
6. In case the participant who was chosen to get the free ticket can’t be contacted within a week, we will repeat the draw and another participant will have the chance to get the free ticket.
The raffle is exclusively organized by SPL (in consultation with Sheer Pleasure of Sound). Social media channels like Facebook and Instagram are not involved in this raffle. These terms and conditions of participation apply to all participants of this raffle.
By participating, all participants confirm that they have read and accepted the terms and conditions of participation and automatically agree on them by joining.
All decisions are final.