PQ at amazona.de

At amazona.de you will find a review about the SPL PQ Mastering Equalizer. Axel Ritt shares some of his thoughts and also provides some audio examples.

This device got everything that causes a serious wow factor, optically and acoustically. This is really as good as it gets.”

The manufacturing is, which is an SPL trademark, absolutely perfect. The execution is massive right down to the last detail. The bolide is available in Black or Red.”

Brilliant detailed solutions, high-quality manufacturing and a flexibel and neutral sound which I would describe with one word: outstanding – Leaving all sceptics standing muzzled in their corner, …”

Once again SPL uses their very own 120V rail technology, which provides huge headroom while processing and just a minimum of tone coloring of the signal. This is a contrast to conventional audio circuits, which operate with +/-15 volts. The PQ offers an op-amp level of +/-60 volts, allowing a dynamic range twice as high as conventional circuits do.”

Taking a glance into its insides makes German engineer hearts leap for joy. An outstanding manufacturing ‘Made in Germany’, huge components like the toroidal transformer, good heat removal and optimal shielding speak for themselve. Another special feature is the wide overlapping of potential frequencies within frequency bands. This way you can separate and process up to three bands of a certain frequency range.”

Five fully parametric bands per channel are much more than other customary analog Equalizer provide. In use they are actually self-explanatory.”

If you want to describe the basic tone of the EQ with an adjective, the only word that comes to my mind is ‘neutral’ in combination with ‘clean’. What at a first glance seems to be quiet trivial, turns out to be a precise instrument, if you have a closer listen. An instrument which captures single frequencies and bends their frequency curves with pinpoint precision.”

The SPL PQ offers a neutral and transparent sound, which is something rare and absolutely perfect when it comes to Mastering-EQs.”

Even minor changes in the setting have a strong influence on the overall sound and manage to assert themselves within the sound image. In this case, the possibility to switch between a ‘constant’ and a ‘proportional’ Q really can work wonders musically. With this button, the bell shape of the Q-factor is influenced. In Constant-Q setting, the Q-factor remains unchanged, no matter how intense you increase or attenuate the filterband. Within a stronger processing, a Proportional-Q filter on the contrary takes over more and more of the adjacently frequencies and the bell shape grows stronger. If you desire a precise processing of the sound, you can refer to the Constant-Q option. A Proportional-Q filter on the contrary is somewhat more ‘musically’.”

With the SPL PQ, the team around Wolfgang Neumann created and launched a Mastering EQ which outshines anything previously seen. It is hard to think of anything the SPL PQ does not perform or fulfill in perfection.”

You will find the complete review (in German) at amazona.de


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