Phonitor mini @ mobilefidelity

Online magazine mobilefidelity published a review about the SPL Phonitor mini.

Design and build quality:

“Like with all other SPL devices, the choice of components and build quality of the Phonitor mini is unimpeachable. Thanks to its brushed aluminum front panel it appears very elegant and valuable, which should enthuse even demanding music listeners.”

“Speaking of the choice of components: within the SPL Phonitor mini, the developers also used the high-quality Alps-Potentiometer RK27, the same pot is featured in the Phonitor 2.”

Surpassing all expectations:

“In the lab, the Phonitor mini showed what the 120V technology is able to do in terms of measurement technology, definitely setting limits to the measuring computer Audio Precision 2700.”


“Thanks to the balanced XLR and the unbalanced RCA inputs, you can integrate the SPL Phonitor mini into a recording studio environment as well as into a hi-fi system.”

“This advances the small bolide to the position of the ultimate universal working tool, as monitoring amp in studio environments for mixing and mastering or as the ultimate headphone amplifier within a hi-fi system.”


“When running the unit with a regular setting, without Crossfeed technology, the SPL Phonitor mini shows a tremendously clear, dynamic and finely resolved sonic image. Interestingly enough, you always feel the need to turn it up a little more, because the sonic image is of such a cleanliness and easiness, you never ever get bothered. A huge compliment on this one.”

“Initially, when you switch to the ‘Matrix’ function, you are pretty perplex because of the complete change of the auditory impression. Very quickly, this perplexity turns into astonishment and if you take your time to try out different Crossfeed and Angle settings, it turns into enthusiasm.”

“The developers seem to have managed to fit the switch settings with the right parameter, to quickly find the right setting for any kind of music material.”

“This makes the SPL Phonitor mini the perfect monitoring tool for mixing and mastering matters as well as an excellent headphone amplifier for demanding hi-fi listeners.”


“With the SPL Phonitor mini, SPL provides a headphone amplifier of the highest quality at an excellent price-performance-ratio.”

“In summary, I have to say that soundwise the SPL Phonitor mini convinced me all along the line. It enhances the set of monitoring tools with a professional option, which despite – or perhaps because of the reduced setting, in comparison to the Phonitor 2, provides fast and exellent sounding results. Hi-fi enthuisiasts really should make a note of this insider tip.”

Find the complete review (in German) online at mobilefidelity.

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