MTC Mk2 in Mixonline

Mixonline published a review about our next generation Monitor & Talkback Controller SPL MTC Mk2. You can find the complete review online – here we compiled a few highlights for you.

“As a longtime user of SPL’s MTC 2381 monitor controller, I had mixed anticipation about the new MTC Mk2, thinking ‘How might the company improve on the excellent design of a predecessor without sacrificing quality or features?’ The short answer is they maintained the audio quality, added numerous modern conveniences.”

“Perhaps the most important feature upgrade isn’t terribly glamorous – an internal operating voltage of ±18V, which ensures high headroom, low noise, top sonic performance and indicates that this is serious professional equipment. The MTC Mk2 can handle 22.5 dB of level, about 1.5 dB more than typical ±15V devices.”

“The unit includes four pairs of outputs for monitors SP1 to SP3, with output SP4 being a full-range mono output for connecting a subwoofer or feeding a mono speaker.”

“The top row of buttons also includes ample monitor functions, including L/R Swap, Phase (the difference between left and right channels) and Mono (the sum of left and right). Also: a Dim button for attenuating output by -10 dB and two Mute buttons (speakers and headphones) for convenience.”

“The lower row of knobs provides level controls, starting with Talkback, which includes a built-in condenser mic and momentary switch. The back panel also provides a 1⁄4-inch footswitch jack for convenience.”

“Next in line is Phonitor Matrix and crossfeed control, an entirely new feature borrowed from a number of other SPL products. This continuously variable control allows for the introduction of a touch of leakage between channels to make headphone listening more pleasurable and not as starkly hard-panned, actually a touch more mono, if you will.”


“I’ve been using the SPL MTC Mk2 for months now and it has become invisible in its application, dutifully doing its job without being apparent. If I’m not hearing dynamics, or detail, or punch, it simply isn’t in the mix – no guesswork.”

“I’m recommending the Mk2 for its extensive feature set, excellent audio performance, durability and a sleek, sexy look that complements any room it resides in.”

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