In the April 2019 edition of German Professional Audio magazine, you’ll find a review about our Hermes Mastering Router.
“The extensive practical test of the SPL Hermes was performed at the Dorian Gray Studios in Eichenau and was accompanied by Dieter Pirmiskern, the mastering engineer in charge. The studios are equipped with professional equipment of the highest quality…”
“Mastering is indeed a separate story. Within its process, you usually create processing chains to put the final touches on a mix…”
“To control this signal flow with a single unit, instead of cabling the involved devives over and over again, SPL developed Hermes.”
“As we know from SPL, the build of the device itself and all control elements is of very high quality,
representing robustness and longevity.”
Operating principle:
“Hermes is also built in SPL’s proprietary and unequaled 120V Technology.
The result: significant improvements in terms of dynamic range, signal-to-noise ratio, distortion and headroom. It also sonically reproduces the finest details.”
“The development team of SPL did an awesome job on the switching, because when you change from one preset to another you don’t hear any crackling or drop-outs, which makes the direct comparison tremendously easy.”
“In addition to this advantage, every preset of Hermes offers the possibility of two parallel mix stages.”
“The Mastering Router Hermes by SPL is a huge enrichment for every mastering studio. Things that would take a huge amount of time can be realized with just a flip of a button. Operation of the device is so logical and intuitive, that it becomes second nature within a few steps. Especially the noiseless switching tremendously improves the possibilities of the comparison.”
Statement of the Professional Audio “Audiogramm”:
“Excellent manufacturing, practical operation, high sound quality, stable operation, noiseless switching.”
Find the complete review (in German) in the magazine.