“The sound of the SPL Diamond is wonderfully transparent, fresh and neutral in the most positive sense. The D/A converter can also play up front when the music material demands it. The music fan will receive in analog what he ordered digitally from his jukebox.”
At HiFi-IFAs you can find a review about our premium DAC with VOLTAiR technology – SPL Diamond. Read the complete review (in German) online – we also compiled some highlights for you here on our blog.
“SPL, stands for the successful balancing act between the world of professional audio and HiFi for home users. SPL manifests and describes this perfectly with its Professional Fidelity series.”
“With the brand new Diamond, SPL has consequently brought out the function of the digital/analog converter as an independent, ambitious device – preamplifier included. We HiFi-IFAs are pleased to be able to take a closer look at the latest member of the Sound Performance Lab in our listening room.”
“Since it is in the nature of things to enjoy the maximum, I decide to experience and document my listening session in the combination Diamond – Director Mk2.2 – Performer s1200.”
“If you use the Diamond’s output stage and connect it analog to a very good preamplifier, this represents the maximum in terms of sound, which is noticeable through a finer definition and impulsivity as well as a more pronounced feeling for the music.”
“If you want to musically stay in the flow, the SPL Diamond is a safe bet. In terms of D/A conversion, a loyal friend with which I will gladly stroll through my music collection for a while longer, well entertained.”
“Diamond is the logical extension of SPL’s portfolio within the Professional Fidelity series. Until now, it was only installed as a module in the well-known product series, but the company from Niederkrüchten now offers the function of the digital/analog converter as an ambitiously designed, stand-alone device that also provides a great preamplifier with an appealing price/performance ratio.”