“The SPL Crimson 3 is the ‘swiss army knife’ for smaller productions. The price-performance ratio is sensational, considering that this is high-quality studio technology.”
You will find a review about our Crimson 3 Audio Interface in the current edition (2/18) of headphone magazine EAR IN.
“If you want to record music, do podcasts or add sound to videos, you need a whole lot of equipment. With Crimson 3, SPL provides a real recording multifunctional tool, which features lots of options and is pretty easy to handle.”
“SPL managed to built in the most important components – microphone amp, mixing desk, preamp, headphone amp and AD/DA converter – into a single practical desktop device. Combined with a microphone, headphones or active speakers and a computer, you get a full-flegded recording studio, with which you can work at a high level.”
“All inputs are designed practice-oriented…”
“A high-pass filter, eliminating rumble and impact noices, can be activated for any microphone input.”
“If you’re mixing on headphones, the Crimson 3 provides a controllable crossfeed, a simplified form of SPL’S Phonitor Matrix, which realizes a speaker-like listening on headphones.”
“It is remarkable that Crimson 3 avoids unnecessary effort considering digital signal processing. Analog signals remain analog as long as possible. Digital signals are, if possible, digitally processed without resampling or similar. Thereby SPL minimizes latency as far as possible.”
“Despite its various connection options, the Crimson 3 is clearly arranged and easy to handle.”
“The so-called Artist Mode allows you to choose the monitor signal of the microphone, instrument or line inputs or channels 1/2 or 3/4 of the computer or a playback source to provide it onto the artist’s headphones. You also have the possibilty to communicate with the artist via the the built-in Talkback microphone.”
“It’ll take a while to understand the various opportunities the Crimson 3 provides. If you get used to it, it reveals itself very quickly as a true multitool. SPL has created an awesome device, which convinces with its quality and is a real pleasure for all musicians and demanding customers of audio technology.”
You will find the complete review in the current edition (2/18) of the magazine (German).