SPL Phonitor x in Professional Audio

In the current edition (3/18) of Professional Audio magazine, you find an exclusive review about our Phonitor x: “Ten years ago, SPL caused a stir at the pro market with with their first headphone amplifier Phonitor. However, many hifi fans also liked the unit and the Phonitor became an insider tip within the high-end community. […]

Crimson 3 in Tools4music

You will find a review about our Crimson 3 in the current edition (1/18) of tools4music magazine. “Available since 2014, the Crimson offers a symbiosis of audio interface, monitor controller and headphone amplifier in a handy desk housing. Basically all you need when it comes to modern DAW based recording. Crimson 3 now continues this […]

SPL PASSEQ at Bonedo

“Awesome sound – artful device – high-quality manufacturing” At online music portal Bonedo you will find a review plus audio files about our new PASSEQ Mastering Equalizer which is definitely worth reading. “PASSEQ is a classic dual-mono-hardware-eq, which means that each of its both channels can independently be processed.” “This 10 kg heavy 19-inch monster […]


It’s about time to reveal the secret behind our three new SPL devices! There will be a worthy successors to our classic Passeq, which will be specialized in Mastering – the PASSEQ Mastering Equalizer. Our legendary Mastering Console DMC also enters the second round. The new DMC was developed from scratch and we managed to […]

SMC 7.1 and Volume 8 at Stereophile

You can find an extensive review about our Monitor Controllers Volume 8 and and SMC 7.1 on stereophile.com. Kalman Rubinson tested and compared the devices: “It’s no secret that there are very few analog control options—for volume and input selection, primarily—for multichannel, but that doesn’t mean there are none.” “Recently, SPL introduced an array of […]

PQ Mastering Equalizer – Editors Choice Award 2017

“With the innovative tube compressor Iron, SPL already made a much-noticed statement concerning Mastering outboard devices. Now the PQ comes along as the matching equalizer. This device is an impressive proof that, even today, cleverly developed analog technology can play a leading role.” “The power, transparency and flexibility of the PQ are truly worthy to […]

Win a ‘Mobile Recording Package’ featuring an SPL Crimson 3!

What else do you really need in life to be happy other than a microphone and a skateboard? Maybe an SPL Crimson 3? 😉 At Sonicscoop you now got the possibilty – matching the video ‘Foundation’ by Stephano Petroccca – to win a ‘Mobile Recording Package’! Included in the ‘Mobile Recording Package’ 5-piece bundle are: […]

SPL Xmas Raffle 2017: #MyFavoriteChannelStrip

Just in time for the Christmas season, you will have the chance to get a great SPL gift. This year it is all about our channel strips Track One, Channel One and Frontliner. In every recording studio, whether it is a small home studio or a large recording palace, the channel strip, which is a […]

Crimson 3 at Recording Magazin

“With the Crimson … SPL developed a device, which practically meets all the needs of a recording studio within one single unit. Constantly updating and revising their products, SPL launched the 3rd version of the Crimson Monitor Controller this year and we have put the unit to the acid test.” In the current edition (December/January […]

HPm at Sound On Sound magazine

“I can foresee situations where having a headphone module in the rack makes a lot of sense, and SPL have addressed this potential requirement with their new HPm.” – Hugh Robjohns (SOS magazine) Sound on Sound magazine (UK) did a review about our Headphone Monitoring Amplifier 500 Series module SPL HPm: “There are countless 500-series […]