TDx and DeS in Keys

In the current edition (06/2016) of Keys magazine, you will find a test of our first two 500 series modules, Transient Designer TDx and De-Esser DeS. Both units convinced the mag all along the line. “Outstanding sound quality”, “high quality build” and “intuitive handling” as well as a “fair price” were confirmed for both units. […]

Crimson and Creon – Mac Life, edition 06/2016

Our USB interfaces and monitor controller quickly became very popular. Not only you can find them in professional recording studios, but also in living rooms and on desktops of homestudios. That is why Mac Life took a closer look at our products in their current edition (06/2016). Among other things, you will find a test […]

IRON Mastering Compressor review at Bonedo (featuring audio examples and video)

Sometimes more is really more! Felix Klostermann from Bonedo presents a very informative review of the IRON Mastering Compressor. There is not only a review, but also some audio examples and a video. Anyone who hadn’t had the opportunity to test the IRON will get an first initial impression of the wide variety of the […]

SPL Crimson, Revision 2 – Musiker Board

Bacchus#777 has tested our Creon and did an online review at Musiker-Board ( some time ago. Now he did a review of our Crimson – Revision 2. Here you can get a little impression of his review: “Well, what else can I say? I already was convinced by the Creon, but the Crimson is even […]

IRON in Recording Magazin

IRON Mastering Compressor in Recording Magazin “Anyone who believes that the world doesn’t need another high-quality hardware compressor and there is nothing to add to the state-of-the-art will be set right with SPL’s new baby.“ In the current edition (3/16) of Recording Magazin (German) Andreas „Igl“ Schönwitz put our IRON Mastering Compressor to the test […]

Visit us at Musikmesse Frankfurt!

Of course we are going to be at the Musikmesse Frankfurt again this year and we are looking forward meeting you there. From Thursday, 7 April to Sunday, 10 April you will find us in hall 11.1 booth A 76 and A 78. We will keep you updated with news and highlights at our social […]

SPL Professional Fidelity Serie in HiFi Online Magazin LowBeats

With the SPL Pro-Fi series we launch a completely new product line. Pro-Fi stands for Professional Fidelity and expresses that these products have their roots in professional studio technology being optimized for high-fidelity music playback. Hermann Gier visited LowBeats online magazine in Munich presenting five brand new SPL products. Chief editor Holger Biermann was convinced […]

SPL Crimson in Guitar Interactive

You can find a review and a video of our audio interface and analog monitor controller SPL Crimson in the current issue (39) of online magazine Guitar Interactive. Andi Picker tested our Crimson and does not shy away from stating that: “It sounds great, the inputs are quiet and clean with plenty of gain, the […]

Creon in tools 4 music

Michael Nötges tested our USB Interface and Monitor Controller Creon for the current edition (2-3/16) of tools 4 music. He really appriciates that Creon features the same premium converters and characteristics as the bigger SPL Crimson, only optimized to accommodate for the needs of small home and project studios. “Creon offers everything you need to […]

Updated Windows drivers for Crimson and Creon available!

We always try to keep our drivers up-to-date. This time we thought about our Windows users. You can find a new version of the Windows driver for our USB interfaces Creon and Crimson on our website. The Crimson driver can both be used with the Crimson Revision 1 and Revision 2. You can also download […]