Appointment of new managing director at SPL electronics GmbH

We are happy to have found the perfect successor for SPL founder Wolfgang Neumann in our developer Bastian Neu.
Bastian takes over the company share from Wolfgang Neumann and is appointed managing director, alongside Hermann Gier and Heinz Middelkamp, as of January 01, 2023.

Wolfgang Neumann retires from the position of managing director and partner but he remains active as developer. Bastian Neu will, in addition to his function as managing director, head the development department.

Wolfgang Neumann: “I am very happy to have found such a good successor in Bastian. He has already developed many SPL devices over the past 10 years and has shown his capabilities and further developed the foundations I laid, especially with regard to the SPL 120V technology. I founded SPL well over 40 years ago and look back on that time as managing director and chief developer with great pleasure. I still have ideas for new technologies and product developments that I want to realize during the next few years. I happily hand over the managing director position to Bastian and I am convinced that he is excellently suited for this position. It gives me great pleasure to see that SPL remains in good hands.”

Bastian Neu started as a developer at SPL in 2012 after completing his master craftsman’s diploma in information technology and his studies in electrical engineering (B. Eng.). The beginning of his career at SPL marks the development of the Phonitor 2 headphone amplifier. The focus of his further product developments was on the “Mastering Universe” devices and the “Professional Fidelity” hifi series.

Bastian Neu: “Wolfgang has done impressive pioneering work in audio technology and I strive to follow his path. Perfecting the 120V technology has become my very passion. I am looking forward to shaping the future of SPL as partner and managing director.”

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