IRON v2 @ Amazona

“With the SPL IRON v2 tube compressor, the German-based company SPL releases another revision of its product range. After the De-Esser, Transient Designer or MTC have already been revised with minor or major changes, the IRON Mastering Compressor has now also received a technical update.”

At Amazona you can find a review featuring a variety of sound examples of the SPL IRON v2. The complete review (in German) is available online – here we have compiled a few highlights for you.

“The proven concept of the IRON v1 remains unaffected, since it has established itself in many recording studios over the past 8 years thanks to its high quality. The innovations mainly concern the sidechain section, in addition, Wathen CryoTone tubes are now used ex works.”

“The manufacturing is extremely high in the usual SPL quality and all controls also impress with their solidity and durability. The two large, detented threshold controls and the two round bypass buttons, which are probably the most frequently used, invite you to touch them. Overall, the SPL IRON v2 has an extremely pleasant feel, the design of the surface is very clear, and the distance between all switches and controls is generously dimensioned, so that a good workflow can quickly be developed.”


“Visually, the difference between the first and second version of the SPL IRON cannot be seen from the front panel. Only the serial number sticker and the sidechain XLR sockets on the rear reveal that this is the latest edition.”

“In the following three points SPL has revised the IRON: While the first version had only unbalanced sidechain inputs, the new version is equipped with balanced sidechain inserts including send and return XLR jacks. The previous model’s slightly special internal filter presets for the sidechain have been replaced with more straightforward standards, such as lowpass, highpass and bandpass. The new edition is equipped with Wathen CryoTone 12AX7-WCM long plate tubes.”

“The first version of the IRON only had one unbalanced sidechain input per channel, so when using a hardware equalizer, the material to be processed had to be split before the input of the IRON in order to feed the filter separately. Thanks to the new path of the IRON v2, this procedure is no longer necessary, since it already picks up the source material present at the input before the compression path. This way, an equalizer can be conveniently integrated, whose filtered signal is fed into the return path and subsequently serves as a carrier signal for frequency-selective compressions. This really is a very practical feature, as it saves additional cabling and signal splitting.”


“Thanks to the new balanced XLR sockets including send and return, the integration of an external hardware equalizer is greatly simplified. The revised filter presets also include simpler forms such as lowpass, bandpass and highpass, which are certainly more in line with the everyday needs of many sound engineers.”

“Sonically, the new Wathen CryoTone tubes provide a brilliant, transparent premium sound, with which any input signal can be wonderfully enhanced. Apart from that, SPL keeps the successful feel, the high manufacturing quality and the flexible control behavior of the first version, making the SPL IRON v2 continue to be a magnificent tool in the recording studio.”

“The SPL IRON v2 is an excellent tube compressor for professional use in mastering, mixing or recording.”

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