Phonitor One d – Editor’s Choice Award 2021

SPL Phonitor One d, the audiophile headphone amplifier with DA converter, wins the “Editor’s Choice Award 2021” from Professional Audio.
According to the motto “Product Highlights 2021”, the Professional Audio team honors their product highlights every year and presents them with the in-house “Editors Choice Award”. The award was presented in the January edition of the magazine.
Of course, we don’t want to to cover up why the editors considered the Phonitor One d to be the best product in its category:

“With the Phonitor One d, SPL has created an excellent-sounding headphone amplifier, plus equally valuable D/A converter and integrated Crossfeed Matrix at an affordable price that meets the highest sound demands. Thus the Phonitor shows its advantages most effectively at the ear of the HiFi enthusiast. Professional mixing on headphones is probably the second main focus of an potential SPL customer. In this case, the precise, detailed sound image provides a much better basis for making decisions about frequency and dynamic processing than less valuable headphone amplifiers.”

Professional Audio magazine had already tested the Phonitor One d in their July edition 2021. So if you want to know more about the headphone amplifier, you can find a summary of the review on our blog.

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