Marc One in Professional Sound

“…when it comes to no-compromise audio monitoring control, German designer/manufacturer SPL has truly delivered a complete package with the Marc One, which is part of its Series One line of products.”

Today we got a great review about our Monitoring And Recording Controller SPL Marc One by the Canadian magazine Professional Sound. Andrew Leyenhorst has tested the device and is full of praise. Find the complete review in the April 2021 edition of the magazine or read it online at (subscription required) – here we provide a short summary.

“The monitoring tools on offer are nicely conducive to improving workflow, as it’s easy to quickly switch between speaker pairs and imaging modes without any jumps or dips in volume or other anoying symptoms. The main volume pot is very smooth and precise, allowing the user to gently land on pretty much any level without having to fiddle unnecessarily.”


“I first tested it out by playing back a variety of audiophile music rips at 96 and 192kHz, and was immediately blown away; the dynamics, the precision of the stereo imaging, the seemingly infinite amount of headroom was breathtaking to listen to.”

“Subtle nuances find their place more effectively, there is more depth and clarity to every sound, and it’s quite inspiring. These converters just rock.”

“The headphone amp sounds excellent, and as mentioned earlier, the Crossfeed function is a paradigm-shifter that allows you to change the way you work in headphones for the better…”


“Altogether, the Marc One delivers unparalleled conversion and monitor control for its price point, and everything beyond that is a bonus… with its feature set, USB compatibility, and the ability to record outboard gear, it’s a fantastic choice for the discerning engineer.”

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