Vitalizer Mk3-T @ Amazona

On the online platform Amazona you can find a review with sound samples of our patented sound designer SPL Vitalizer Mk3-T. The complete review (in German) is available online. We have summarized some of the highlights for you here on our blog.

“The SPL Vitalizer Mk3-T features a solid, black anodized aluminium front panel with a thickness of 4 mm. The housing impresses with its high-quality, solid steel construction and a stylish black powder coating, which replaces the gold finish previously used on its predecessors.”

“Thanks to a higher internal audio voltage of +/-18 V, the sound is also said to have been further improved compared to versions 1 and 2. Despite the 1 U design and the moderate depth of 300 mm, the Vitalizer weighs just under 6.1 kg, which also reflects its solid construction.”

“As expected, the SPL Vitalizer MK3-T can be used for stereo summing or, as an insider tip, on an appropriate bus where there is always a risk of masking the sound.”


“The SPL Vitalizer MK3-T provides a real enrichment of the signal, especially in the low frequency range as well as in the very fine high frequencies.”

“The SPL Vitalizer MK3-T can really show off its strengths when it comes to processing low-quality or rather dull-sounding sound material and giving it a much more pleasant touch. For example, the SPL Vitalizer MK3-T would be a very good tool for remastering old recordings that may have been rotting away on some tape in the archive for ages, just waiting to be re-released.”


“To summarize, the Vitalizer MK3-T is a great tool, especially for mastering and bus processing, which can influence the sound with very fine accents, but also powerful if necessary, in order to give the source material a high-quality end result.”

“With the SPL Vitalizer MK3-T, the traditional company has a very high-quality mastering and subgroup tool in its portfolio. The product succeeds in giving very thick source material a finer and more detailed sound, which has a clearly positive effect on the overall sound.”

“Be sure to try it out!”

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