Track One Mk3 @ Amazona

On the online platform Amazona you can find a review with sound samples of our compact channel strip SPL Track One Mk3. The complete review (in German) is available online. We have summarized some of the highlights for you here on our blog.

“Together with the Channel One Mk3, DeEsser Mk2, MixDream XP Mk2, Transient Designer 4 Mk2 and Vitalizer Mk3-T, SPL has modernized and optically updated its portfolio. Track One is a key product, as it has been in the SPL catalog for over 20 years and is particularly popular in broadcast and speech applications.”

“The new design suits the SPL TrackOne Mk3 very well but the TrackOne Mk3 is also a very well equipped and perfectly manufactured device in other respects.”

“The TrackOne Mk3 is an extended mono channel strip, as this type of device usually only includes a preamp, a compressor and an equalizer. Sometimes extended by an insert and a range of useful options such as 48 V phantom power, low cut and mic/line switching.”

“The manufacturing of the device is flawless and of very high quality. Neutrik connectors with gold-plated contacts have been used and all switches and controls operate precisely and smoothly. Each switch function is indicated by a colored LED.”

“Optionally, the SPL Track One Mk3 can also be ordered in a “Premium” version: Then the device has a high-quality Lundahl input transformer.”


“As expected, the SPL Track One Mk3 scores with sonic naturalness and clarity. The voice gets more brilliance and – surprise, surprise – more air.”

“And indeed, the result with SPL wins immensely against the unprocessed version. In terms of speech intelligibility and balance, the result with the Channel Strip is more sonorous, more open, but still very natural.”


“Equipped with a de-esser, compressor/limiter and equalizer, the Channel Strip is particularly suitable for broadcasting and voice applications. Here, the system optimizes speech intelligibility without compromising the naturalness of the source.”

“A perfectly designed channel strip made in Germany: outstanding!”

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