Phonitor x @ LowBeats

“The Phonitor x is one of the most extraordinary headphone amplifiers on the market.”

At you will find a review about our Headphone Amplifier and Preamplifier SPL Phonitor x.

“The pros from SPL have already proven their creative skills in the pro studio market for almost 35 years and already provide excellent devices for audiophile highend enthusiasts – and that’s exactly what slogans like ‘Professional Fidelity’ and ‘Mastering Grade Listening’ stand for. Which means: demanding music fans can expect the best of both worlds from SPL.”

“This SPL Phonitor x takes a dual role as – a headphone amplifier and preamplifier. With their outstanding, proprietary technology: ‘VOLTAIR’ delivers a high voltage of the op-amps – namely 120 volts, where other products only deliver 30 volts. In the Hifi world, these voltages are second to none.”

“The headphone amplifier of the SPL Phonitor x delivers almost 4 watts. This way the Phonitor x is able to drive even quiet and dynamic headphones, balanced or unbalanced.”

“Another really nice thing about the unit is the possibility to lern any remote – the Phonitor x turns the tables so to speak, by learning any remote control, e.g. of your CD player.”

“Beautiful: Two porthole-shaped VU meters in soft yellow provide some movement to this very valuable and cleanly processed amp with their needles.”

In practice:

“First thing to find out: Where do I rank the SPL Phonitor? I picked the reference headphones from the shelf and immediately realized within the fist seconds of hearing that the Phonitor will get a pretty high rating – dynamically and punchy it adds an extraordinary liveliness to any kind of playback material.”

“Bass drum and snare drum were full of energy, only limited by the level regulation of the headphones. That’s how it should sound!”

“The sound of the Phonitor x is tremendously real, dynamic and extremely playful.”

“From now on the SPL Phonitor x is my favorite. Because additionally it also provides the Crossfeed control, which is much better than I thought at first.”


“The Phonitor x proves that thought out pro studio technology can fulfil the needs of HiFi users. The Phonitor x is an excellent headphone amplifier with a meticulous level of detail and unrestrained musical playfulness. Period. And it’s one of the few of its kind that additionally features an analog crossfeed control, which eliminates the biggest shortcoming of listening on headphones: the super stereo effect.”

Find the complete review (in German) at LowBeats.

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