At HiFi-IFAs you can find a review [see review here] about our stereo power amplifier Performer s900. We also compiled some highlights for you here on our blog.
“We at HiFi IFAs have already taken a close look at the products of the SPL Professional Fidelity series. In addition to headphone amplifiers, preamps, phono amplifiers and D/A converters, we also tested the powerful SPL Performer s1200 stereo power amplifier as a drive unit for passive speakers. SPL has now come up with something new: the sideboard-compatible, yet powerful SPL Performer s900 stereo power amplifier. Its big brother, the s1200, is already waiting warmed up in the listening room for a weight class sparring session.”
“The relationship between the stereo power amplifier SPL Performer s900 and the SPL Performer s1200 is already apparent on the outside, but also continues on the inside, as the smaller brother is consistently derived from its big two-channel brother in terms of design and components used. The basic idea is to transfer the sound characteristics of the stereo giant into a slimmer power amplifier.”
“The VOLTAiR technology is a reference technology by SPL and works with a DC voltage of 120 volts, which corresponds to four times the operating voltage of IC-based semiconductor operational amplifiers. To optimize audio quality, SPL uses the highest possible audio operating voltage, which has a positive effect on dynamic range, signal-to-noise ratio and headroom.”
“Within the sound image, you can clearly feel the sovereignty with which the power amplifier handles the speakers.”
“Just like with its big brother, I find the sound of the power amplifier to be transparent and yet very musical at the same time.”
“The Performer s900 power amplifier handled the wide variety of sounds with confidence and precision. This was important, as the song reveals quite ruthlessly when hi-fi components threaten to lose their overview. Everything was in perfect order here.”
“With the all-rounder SPL Performer s900 as a stereophile source of power, nothing could go wrong in the listening room.”
“Mission accomplished. With the Performer s900, SPL has added a stereo power amplifier to its portfolio that actually transfers the sonic qualities of the powerful Performer s1200 into a more compact format, a fact that has been proven beyond doubt in our listening room.”
“The SPL Performer s900 stereo power amplifier is a true all-rounder and an absolute recommendation to buy.”