Check out this video with Hermann Gier and Kai Lukas talking about the just released SPL Machine Head Plugin. From the idea to turn this classic hardware device into a plugin, to the history and development of the new Machine Head. Watch this deep dive and get an insight on the Tape Saturation Processor plugin.
“Today we are going to talk about how we created our plugin out of the code that was designed back in the days. That code needed to be revised to be updated for today and so we needed to be involved with the original company that created that code.”
“So we are now really pleased to have Kai Lukas from SoundArt here with us. He and his partner Frank Hartmann were the guys who created the very first Tape Saturation Processor in the digital world, which we had running in our SPL Machine Head back in the days.”
“Sit back and relax, it’s going to be a long deep dive. When we’re done with that, you know everything you need to know the SPL Machine Head. Have fun!”
Find more information about the SPL Machine Head Plugin on the product page: Machine Head