Watch the SPL Channel One Mk3 video by voice over artist Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff on his Youtube channel “The Microphone Assassin” to see and hear the channel strip in action. What do you think? Is the SPL Channel One Mk3 the best channel strip for voice over?
“May I introduce to you what I feel is a game-changing piece of hardware for for voiceover. Meet the SPL Channel One Mk 3.”
Have fun watching the video!
“There are so many features here that are really cool for voice over. When it comes to voice over, the deesser is really important to me. I’ve been using a bunch of different plugin deessers and nothing has sounded quite as natural as this one. This is the best sounding deesser I have ever used.”
“What is a Transient Designer? This is super super cool! For voice over, this may be the ticket right here. Because the Transient Designer is so interesting! It manilulates yout transients – the onset of you signal, which usually comes with a spike. The Transient Designer will allow you to do two different things. The attack will help you enhance the onset of the transient and it completely mitigates the possibility of me popping my p’s and b’s. How great is that! Now you don’t need a a pop filter because you can just dial that in.”
“Sustain is really helping me for voice over. It’s allowing the really great resonant frequencies in the mid-range to sustain. It makes my voice sound more full.”
“Listen to how cool that is! Just these two things – the deesser and the Transient Designer are so awesome!”
“The Tube Saturation is great! You’re really getting the sound of the tube. The full nature of the harmonics of a tube in there.”
“The compressor is pretty cool too. It’s really adding more fullness.”
“Mic A and Mic B. You can plug two mics into the Channel One Mk3. How awesome is that! The two mics going through the same circuit. This is great especially if you want to compare two mics!”
“Listen to how huge that sounds! It sounds huge but it sounds natural. That’s what I love about this.”
“The SPL Channel One Mk3 – there’s no other box I found that does what this does. I think this premium sound for me is the best sound for voice over that I have ever heard.”
Find more information about the SPL Channel One Mk3 on the product page.